The Fassett House Hotel
The Fassett Hotel, built in 1870, existed as an integral part of the village until its demolition in 2005, leaving a hollow space in the downtown area. The Fassett lot is important to the history of Wellsville, as it existed as the first tavern, the first store, and was the site of early town meetings.
Many Wellsville residents still remember going to the Fassett House in their youth, and it was important to AFRA to transform this abandoned lot and create commemorative space that gives homage to this historic land.
Learn more about the history of the Fassett House here.
image from Alleganyhistory.org
Wellsville Community Gardens
Wellsville Community Gardens
After the demolition of the Fassett House Hotel, local businessman Andy Glanzman purchased the lot. In 2014, local farmer Andrew Harris partnered with Glanzman to turn the space into a small community garden. Harris built raised beds on the space and taught gardening workshops to local schools and the Wellsville YMCA after school program.
Harris faced an uphill battle throughout this process. In 2015, Harris successfully developed a Community Garden zoning code with the Village of Wellsville to legitimize and legalize his efforts. He experienced hardship getting water access to the garden, and this lead him to recruit Cassandra Bull to help the Fassett GreenSpace formally request water access from the village.
After the demolition of the Fassett House Hotel, local businessman Andy Glanzman purchased the lot. In 2014, local farmer Andrew Harris partnered with Glanzman to turn the space into a small community garden. Harris built raised beds on the space and taught gardening workshops to local schools and the Wellsville YMCA after school program.
Harris faced an uphill battle throughout this process. In 2015, Harris successfully developed a Community Garden zoning code with the Village of Wellsville to legitimize and legalize his efforts. He experienced hardship getting water access to the garden, and this led him to recruit Cassandra Bull to help the Fassett GreenSpace formally request water access from the village.

An Architectural Project
In 2015, Architectural student and Wellsville native, Nate Piscitelli, chose the Fassett lot as the muse for his project at the time. Piscitelli has an unusual connection with the space, as his grandfather was a barber in the Fassett House Hotel in the late 1990's. The inspiration for Piscitelli's project was connecting Main Street to Wellsville's only park, Island Park, located across a four-lane highway.
Though Piscitelli's original designs were not eventually used due to budgetary restrictions, his re-imagining of the lot struck a chord with local community members. This project inspired the eventual design of the Fassett GreenSpace. Many elements made their way into the final design, such as water features and the amphitheater / seating area.
Piscitelli has proven to be a great asset in the development of the Fassett GreenSpace, and continues to volunteer his expertise to create architectural designs for the project.
See original designs below: