The labyrinth garden was designed to create an exciting, creative space in Wellsville, NY. The entire structure is made of approximately 3,000 retaining wall concrete blocks that are manufactured in Alfred, NY by Southern Tier Concrete Company. They are mortar-less and are held together by pins, meaning that the garden can be deconstructed entirely. There are four concentric rings of garden beds. The outer hosts flowers, the inner hosts herbs, and the two center beds mainly host vegetables. All produce is available for the public to harvest throughout the season.
Woven into the fabric of Alfred State College is a commitment to Civic Engagement. The institution recognizes their impact within Allegany County and makes it a priority to collaborate within their community for projects as much as they can. See the Alfred State College Center for Civic Engagement's Website.
Department of Heavy Equipment Operations
Alfred State College's Heavy Equipment Operations Department and Professor Vinny Grottanelli volunteered to grade and the Fassett lot prior to the installation of the labyrinth. They were also generous enough to install extra water and electricity conduits beneath the labyrinth.
Department of Masonry
Alfred State College's Masonry Department originally volunteered to construct the labyrinth for Art for Rural America. The installation was pushed back several months in 2018 due to inclement weather, and unfortunately the students only laid 100 of the 3,000 blocks before the semester ended. However, Masonry Professor, Steve Richard, remained dedicated to our community project and worked with our board and volunteers to install the blocks properly.
Dozens of Volunteers
Luckily, dozens of volunteers helped us construct the labyrinth over the summer of 2018. These ranged from individuals to groups like the Wellsville Football team and Leadership Allegany. Each individual provided their own passion, time, and expertise, all in the name of loving one's home.

THE BUILD - Filling the beds